Monday, March 28, 2011

Tivoli Performance Viewer

TPV is a useful tool, especially the charts for web container and JVM, among other. Here are some teaser questions:
  1. What are the PMI monitor levels?
    1. None
    2. Basic
    3. Extended
    4. All
    5. Custom
  2. What is the default setting?
    1. Basic
  3. Where to go for setting the PMI monitor levels?
    1. Use Admin Console - Performance Monitoring Infratructure (PMI) > server_name
    2. Use WSAdmin
  4. Where is the PMI data log file and what is the name of this log file?
    1.  Monitoring and Tuning > Peformance Viewer > Current Activity > server_name > Settings > Log
    2. then, you can define_log_file_name or use default that is "tpv.xml"
  5. What you can view by using TPV?
    1. DynaCache
    2. EJBModule
    3. EntityBean
    4. JDBCProvider
    5. J2CResourceAdapter
    6. JVM
    7. MessageDrivenBean
    8. ORB
    9. Server
    10. SessionManager
    11. StatefulSessionBean
    12. StatelessSessionBean
    13. SystemMetrics
    14. ThreadPool
    15. TransactionService
    16. WebModule
    17. Servlet
    18. WLMAppServer
    19. WebServicesService
    20. WSGW
  6. Can you use TPV to view sysem.log file?
    1. No, you cannot. TPV can view TPV performance data in tpv.xml file
  7. When you use TPV and when you use ITCAM or Introscope?
    1. When you need to know which ojbect in JVM is the problom
    2. When you want to track transaction

1 comment:

Giri said...

Hi Ying,

I am trying to write a monitoring application for WAS7.

Tivoli viewer listing EJB metrics, but I couldn't get same using either AdminClient interface (or) JConsole.

I am able to get JDBCProviders using JConsole and Adminclient interface. If you have any inputs could you please help me?

Thank you,