Tuesday, March 29, 2011

WebSphere Product Updates

What product updates
  • Release - a major version for WebSphere, for example, 7.1 (the first two digits)
  • Refresh pack - an update with both fixes and new functions, for example, 6.0.2 (the third digit)
  • Fix pack - fixes only, for example, (the fourth digit)
  • Interim fix - an update to fix a specific problem or a number of specific problems
Product update strategy

Product updates are expensive engineering tasks because the extensive testing required. Therefore, a balanced must be achieved between the need to run a relative updated WebSphere product and resource and production environment stability consideration.

To get on the most recent release may not be the best idea. Any software needs time to mature. The current release minus one might be a sensible approach. 

Usually, two scheduled WebSphere product updates a year is adequate. These two may be a major releases, or refresh packs or even fix packs. It depends on many factors such as the WebSphere technology road map of your company as well as need of the JEE applications and the specifics of your enterprise engineering practice.

The technical process
  • Defining versions and updates as well as technical objectives
  • Use versionInfo.sh or versionInfo.bat determine the current product version
Version Information Report

  • Go to IBM WebSphere support site to locate the desired product update
  • Get the product update desired
  • Stop the servers and backup the configuration by using backupConfig.sh or backupConfig.bat
  • Extract the files into the WAS product root 
  • Install update installer from IBM Support Site
    • Download the proper update installer
    • Install the update installer - go to product root, for example c:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller
    • Launch install - is:javahome C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\JDK\jre.pak\repository\package.java.jre\java
    • Then, install the installer by invoking the install.bat program again
  • Run the installer 
  • Restart all WAS processes - the servers on this node and Dmgr
  • Check the systemOut.log to see if the server starts cleanly
  • Repeat the same for other servers on the cell

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