Sunday, May 11, 2014

WAS 8.5 - Trial installation

it is time to work on WAS 8.5. I am installing a trial version of WAS 8.5.5.

  1. Create an IBM ID and password
  2. Go the IBM free download site
  3. Download readme.txt and the package for Linux
  4. From the terminal prompt, I unzipped the package downloaded 
  5. Then, I tried below
    1. sudo ./install 
    2. I got an error message "install.xml file not found"
    3. I verified the install.xml file was in the current directory
    4. I verified the install.xml file the correct access set up
    5. I searched for similar experience and somebody recommended below
    6. ./userinst and it worked -
    7. Then it was more of clicking through the IM
  6. New notes: today (5-31-14) I did try below and it worked
    1. sudo ./install  
    2. Then, of course, I consistently use sudo to fire off commands

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