Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WebSphere eXtreme Scale Installation

For a while, this blog will switch direction to WebSphere eXtreme Scale 7.1 because I will help with an IBM Red Book effort on this.

Installation of WebSphere eXtreme Scale 7.1 can be standalone or work with WebSphere Application Server 7.1.

After download the software, you have to set HOME_JAVA environment variable. On Windows platform, it is a bit tricky because the WebSphere eXtreme Scale batch files do not like spaces in directory and file names. For example, the following will not work.

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_23

When you launch runcat.bat, you will have error messages complaining about 1) you need to define JAVA_HOME, 2) c:\Program is a not an internal or external command

The following will be acceptable to WebSphere eXtreme Scale batch files.

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\dks1.6.0_23

Then, after you launch runcat.bat at install_root\ObjectGrid\gettingStarted\, you will see below. Your WebSphere eXtreme Scale system is ready.

WebSphere eXtreme Scale ready to process requests

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