Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Application Binding

What is application binding?

Application binding could be viewed as a system configuration task. The purpose of the task is to inform WAS where is the physical artifact for a specific name. The mechanism for making this connection is JNDI and some configuration files of an application (ibm-xxx-bnd.xml or ibm-xxx-bnd.xmi).The xml suffix is for WAS 7 and xmi suffix for earlier WAS releases.

What to bind?
  • EJB
  • Data Source for EJB
  • Backend ID for EJB model
  • MDB
  • Resources
  • JDBC
  • URL
  • JMS connection factory
  • Java Mail
  • Virtual host for web model
  • Message destination references
When to bind?
  • Development time
  • Assembling time
  • Deployment time
  • Configuration time

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