Saturday, February 19, 2011

In the world of large new WebSphere technology deployment, we need both "Agile in a Bird Case" and "Anarchy Led Engineering Discipline".

In the world of large scale new WebSphere deployment (development and engineerning), I think that we need to both loosing down and tightening up with new approaches.

In the area of development, the goal of working software has to take priority with Agile methodology leading the way. However, a compromise is needed in a very large and heavily regulated environment where documentation and approval process must be provided due to legal and privacy concerns. All the following Agile objectives remain true, while new adaptive approach can help.
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan
However, the complete lack of long-planning is not possible for any modern IT projects, even we fully appreciate and adopt Agile Methodology. Maybe a "bird case" approach is in the Agile based projects, especially those taking on totally new technology and unchartered territories. An overall long-term project is in place that cut into manageable pieces - "bird cases" within which the bird - Agile based development fly freely. Hopefully, this will achieve the need for control large projects and taking the full advantage of Agile and Scrum methodology.

On the other hand, the infrastructure engineering must follow tighter design procedures, change process, operation manuals, and engineering standards. This is because the malfunction of infrastructure causes potentially heavy loss and disruption as well as the nature of infrastructure - it is time consuming and costly to fix some of the infrastructure issues, for example, change the design of your middleware in the middle of its production operations. At the same, a gradual, POC based approach works better for new technology adoption that will help with the following. The introduction of new technology demands a level of anarchy and a degree of chaos for the team to figure out what to do. However, this intended anarchy and purposeful chaos must lead to the following.
  • Building the team's technical skills over the new technology
  • Creating and documenting engineering processes - the foundation of engineering process optimization and automation
  • Nurturing internal and external working relationships that are critical in designing, building, and operating the new infrastructure
  • And the most importantly, delivering a gradually maturing IT infrastructure in support of the business drivers
Therefore, we have to seriously consider Agile and Scrum in  large new WebSphere technology development and deployment while making substantial adjustment to achieve success for providing a new IT paradigm of innovation for new business imperatives and objectives.

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