Thursday, February 17, 2011

Add nodes to an administrative agent

To add nodes to an administrative agent, you have to use \AppServer\bin\registerNode command. The following is an exmaple. Note: this is NOT a wsadmin command!

set WAS_HOME=C:\program files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer

set adminAgentProfileName=AdminAgent01
set adminAgentHostName=localhost
set adminAgentSoapPort=8877
set baseProfileName=AppSrv05

cd %WAS_HOME%\profiles\%adminAgentProfileName%\bin
registerNode.bat -profileName %adminAgentProfileName% -profilePath "%WAS_HOME%\profiles\%baseProfileName%" -host %adminAgentHostName% -conntype SOAP -port %adminAgentSoapPort%

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