Friday, January 28, 2011

Good articles on JVM tuning - nursery size and tenured size

Three VERY good articles on JVM tuning, especially on nursery size and tenured size.
Young generation (nursery) size is set by: -Xmn (-Xmns/-Xmnx)
Old generation (tenured) sized is set by: -Xmo (-Xmos/-Xmox)
Of course, you have to use Xgpolicy:gencon t0 take advantage of generational garbage collection.

Article 1 - large cache option - short article
Article 2 - IBM JDK 1.5 and Runtime Diagnostic Guide - long, but comprehensive
Article 3 - IBM JVM GC policies - short but sweet
If you have no time to read articles, this IBM presentation (IBM JVM internals) offers good information as well.

BTW, I have one chapter in my WebSphere engineering book that is dedicated to technical training, hiring considerations, and the technical skills needed to be a good WebSphere system administrator, WebSphere consultant, or WebSphere support manager.

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